Find scheduling instructions, testing policies, and frequently asked questions about in-person proctoring in the University Proctoring Lab for UNCG students.

Types of Proctored Exams

If you are a UNCG student, there are a few reasons that you may be referred to the University Proctoring Lab:

  • Whole-class Testing. You and your entire class will be asked to schedule to take a test with the UPL during a specific window of time.
  • Make-up Testing. You missed a test or quiz and your instructor wants us to help you make it up.
  • Accommodated Testing. You are registered with OARS for testing accommodations related to a disability (such as extended time, etc.), and your instructor has referred you to the UPL to make sure you receive that accommodation.
  • Placement Testing. You are trying to place into or out of a specific class, and the department has arranged for us to proctor the placement exam (this is most common for the Math Department’s Calculus Readiness Diagnostic).

If you have another situation that you think the UPL can help with, please contact us at [email protected]. Our goal is to remove test taking barriers and support students in reaching their test taking potential, so if we can help, we will.

Schedule An Exam In the UPL

The University Proctoring Lab uses the TracCloud Scheduling platform—the same scheduling system used for many of the academic support offices on campus!

Whenever a student is referred for proctoring, we typically send an email with scheduling instructions, but in case you need to schedule and you can’t find those instructions, here are some basic ones:

TracCloud Scheduling Instructions

  1. Log into using your UNCG credentials. If prompted to confirm your details, do so.
  2. On the main dashboard, navigate to the “Schedule Proctoring” widget.
  3. Select the course and reason from the dropdowns, then click “search.”
    • The “Course” dropdown will list your current enrolled classes—if something is missing from that list, reach out to the TracCloud administrator at [email protected].
  4. From the search results, select the option that works for you within the time frame you’ve been given to complete the test in.
    • Use the “date” button on the top to filter the results for a specific date.
  5. If prompted to agree to our attendance policy, type your initials.
  6. If desired, type a note. This is particularly helpful if you have any questions or requests, or anything you’d like the UPL to be made aware of prior to your visit.
  7. Finally, click the gold “CONFIRM” button to lock in your appointment. You’ll then immediately get an email with testing details in it.

University Proctoring Lab Location & Hours

Forney Student Success Commons, Room 114

During Fall and Spring semesters, UPL is open Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM and select Saturdays, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, depending on staffing.

Summer sessions: by request.

Scheduling Tips and Tricks

  • Timing When You Search. The UPL posts availability in Week 1 for the first 14 weeks of the term, then posts the Final exam schedule after week 9. If you need an appointment at the end of the term, please wait to book it until after midterms.
    • Additionally, availability shows on TracCloud up to 2 hours prior to the start of the seat time. If you want to book for 6:00 PM, you need to search for that availability prior to 4:00 PM that same day; otherwise, you won’t see the 6:00 PM session in your search results.
  • Not Seeing Results? There’s a button on the search results page that says, “Unable to find Appointment”. If you can’t find the time you need, please select this button and then tell us the specific scheduling need you have. This is the FASTEST way to get a hold of us about a scheduling issue, because it pings all UPL staff instantly.
    • If we get a notification, and we can manually place you into an appointment based on your submission, we will do so on your behalf. Otherwise, we’ll email you to let you know what options exist and how to navigate booking process for those times.
  • Walk-Ins. If you’re not able to book an appointment, note that the UPL does take limited walk-in appointments at specific times. We post these seat times on the UPL door in the morning. You’re always welcome to come and try for a walk-in session. If we have a seat available, we’ll seat you.
  • Selecting a Reason. The reasons listed help TracCloud limit which availability it shows you. Often when students struggle to find an appointment, it’s because they’ve inadvertently selected the wrong reason.
    • The most-common reasons available are: 30-minute test, 60-minute test, and 90-minute test. These reasons are almost always available for booking.
    • If you need a test window slightly longer than 90 minutes, use the “Test greater than 90 minutes” reason. It will show you times at the UPL in 90-minute increments but will alert us that you need something slightly longer.
      • Keep in mind that the UPL closes at 9:00 PM — if you book for 7:30 PM, your test cannot take longer than 90 minutes. Book carefully.
    • The UPL typically only offers 120-minute, 150-minute and 180-minute tests during mid-terms and finals. For most tests and most students, these reasons won’t produce search results. Unless you’ve been specifically instructed to select one of these two reasons, go with one of the other options.
  • Rescheduling. The easiest way to reschedule an appointment is to just cancel your appointment and book a new one. To cancel an appointment in TracCloud, navigate to the tile in your Upcoming Appointments calendar on the dashboard, then click the grey-x in the top-right corner, then click “cancel” when prompted.
  • Booking with OARS. We share scheduling processes with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS). If you have a registered disability and need to schedule with OARS specifically, there are a few special things to know:
    • In addition to picking the start time for your session, you must select the appointment duration before confirming it. If you forget to do this, it’ll only book you for 30 minutes!
    • OARS closes at 5:00 PM. If you need to book a 2-hour test, be sure to select a start time that is at least 2 hours prior to 5:00 PM. Otherwise their office will close before you’ve finished your exam!
    • OARS testing space is only big enough for around 6 students. If your accommodation can be met in the UPL, OARS reserves the right to move your appointment to the UPL to keep their space available to students who must test there.

UPL Testing Experience

Exam Administration

When you arrive to take your exam, you can expect the following process:

  1. A general announcement will be made in the lobby by UPL staff, prior to seating.
  2. You will be asked to stow your personal items— backpacks, purses, sunglasses, etc. Small lockers are available.
  3. The proctor will collect your seating ticket and registration ticket (if applicable), and will check your ID.
  4. The test rules will be explained to you, and you will be guided to an assigned testing station, where the test will be administered. You will be offered any materials allowed for your exam.
    • NOTE: the UPL has noise-cancelling headphones, foam earplugs, and other common test taking items available to lend to test takers. If you require something, please ask—we may just have it!
  5. During the test, your station will be monitored and UPL staff will regularly walk through the space.
  6. If you have any questions or issues, raise your hand to get the attention of the staff, who can assist you and document any concerns.
  7. Once you have completed your test, check out of the UPL. The check-out process varies by test but typically involves restarting your computer, turning in supplies and scratch paper, collecting your personal items, etc.
  8. You’ll then return your locker key and leave the UPL.
  9. After your visit, your instructor will receive a post-test summary that lists the important details from your testing appointment.

UPL Proctoring Policies

  • Late Arrival. Test takers are expected to arrive at least 5 minutes before their appointment start time, and wait in the lobby until announcements are made. At proctor’s discretion, test takers who are more than 10 minutes late will be asked to reschedule for a future testing slot.
  • Resource Check-out. The UPL has a limited number of supplies available to students, such as headphones, webcams, fidget toys, and a variety of different calculators. When you check out these items, you are agreeing to return them at the completion of your appointment.
    • Failure to return an item in good condition by 9:00 PM on the day of your test will result in a late fee, up to the total replacement value of the item.
  • No-Show/Missed Appointment. The UPL asks that test takers be good stewards of our time. As a result, we limit students to no more than 3 missed appointments per term. Test takers may cancel directly through TracCloud or via email up to two hours prior to their appointment start time, without penalty.
    • After three missed appointments, the test taker’s ability to book with the UPL will be paused, and the test taker will need to call to speak with the UPL manager to have this restriction lifted. The fourth missed appointment may result in a fine.
  • Academic Integrity. The UPL takes academic integrity very seriously. Any suspicious behaviors will be documented and referred to faculty for follow-up. Reportable behaviors include, but are not limited to:
    • bringing in unauthorized resources,
    • attempting to impersonate another,
    • accessing internet-enabled devices during test administration,
    • talking or passing messages to others during test administration,
    • failure to return testing items,
    • failure to comply with UPL staff requests. and/or
    • attempting to tamper with testing equipment.
  • Disruptive Behavior. Disruptive behavior is any behavior which causes undue distraction or distress to test takers or staff. These behaviors might include loud talking, kicking table legs or chairs, or excessive movements.
    • Test takers who exhibit disruptive behaviors will be given one warning. Thereafter, UPL staff reserve the right to ask disruptive test takers to leave the UPL.
  • Record Retention. The UPL keeps records of every test administered by our staff, following the university record retention policy. Using the UPL is agreeing to allow the UPL to retain records related to your use of the UPL, including physical or digital copies of completed tests, notes, scratch paper, photographs or video, etc. Test takers are encouraged to report if they suspect an error in our records.

In-Person Proctoring Student FAQs

UNCG students do not pay to take a UPL-proctored exam for their UNCG courses.

Non-UNCG students pay $15 per 60-minute block.

The UPL is located in Room 114 in the Forney Building. Once you enter the building through the door facing College Ave., our lab is on the left.

If you are driving to campus and not familiar with the area, use Spartan Direction to access our location and generate directions.

Students can self-schedule a testing appointment between 60 days and 2 hours before the session start time. Outside of that scheduling window, students may contact the UPL via email ([email protected]) or phone (336-256-8565) to schedule.

Same-day scheduling will only be permitted if space is available.

You will need to bring a photo ID and a device to use for multi-factor authentication (usually a cell phone). You may also bring any items your instructor has specifically authorized us to allow in the testing environment.

We recommend leaving all other items at home. Any materials you do bring (jacket, bag, keys, etc.) will be stored in a 12″ x 12″ x 12″ locker outside the UPL, so please do not bring more items than will fit in your allotted space. Also please be aware that hoodies and oversized sweatshirts are not allowed in our space.

If there are any technical issues with your test taking, the UPL proctors will attempt to troubleshoot with you, and they will report any unresolvable issues to your faculty after the fact.

The UPL can provide many approved accommodations, such as extended time.

The UPLab is accessible to students who mobilize on wheels. Access the building through a ramp at the back door. There are several height-adjustable desks within the lab and many authorized accommodations are available.

Students can request noise-canceling and noise-buffering headphones when scheduling their appointment. ZoomText and other software is also installed for screen-reading and magnifying purposes.

If you are a UNCG student and have questions about test taking accommodations at UNCG, we encourage you to speak with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services prior to scheduling with the University Proctoring Lab.